Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fading Reflections

[caption id="attachment_768" align="aligncenter" width="680"]Fading Reflections Fading Reflections[/caption]


  1. One can say; Santa doesn't look so pretty in the summer time. That's just an opinion. Yet, old age has a certain subtle decay and sadness attached to it. It is a reminder for any of us we, someday, will end up like that and hope we can manage to enjoy as much of it as possible on a warm sunny day, by a lake.

  2. Reblogged this on Infernal Deity of a Psychotic Mind and commented:
    One can say; Santa doesn't look so pretty in the summer time. That's just an opinion. Yet, old age has a certain subtle decay and sadness attached to it. It is a reminder for any of us we, someday, will end up like that and hope we can manage to enjoy as much of it as possible on a warm sunny day, by a lake.
