Thursday, April 11, 2013

Calm Waters

[caption id="attachment_709" align="aligncenter" width="950"]Calm Waters Calm Waters[/caption]


  1. Is this shot upside down? It's looks like it, it only makes sense if the above is blurred due to water movement even though very slightly so.
    I could title this as one of my favorite sayings; As above, so below.
    Great shot.

  2. Reblogged this on Infernal Deity of a Psychotic Mind and commented:
    Is this shot upside down? It's looks like it, it only makes sense if the above is blurred due to water movement even though very slightly so.
    I could title this as one of my favorite sayings; As above, so below.
    Great shot.

  3. It is upside down. Couldn't find the perfect time so I had to improvise.
