Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Patches of Sky

[caption id="attachment_705" align="aligncenter" width="950"]Patches of Sky Patches of Sky[/caption]


  1. These metal rods give you a sense of entrapment, as if the're trying to imprison the sky and at the same time scratch it with their decay. It is dark and makes you think about how much at times we feel the same way, entrapped by some invisible force trying to hold us down, in place. Great shot really :)

  2. Reblogged this on Infernal Deity of a Psychotic Mind and commented:
    These metal rods give you a sense of entrapment, as if the’re trying to imprison the sky and at the same time scratch it with their decay. It is dark and makes you think about how much at times we feel the same way, entrapped by some invisible force trying to hold us down, in place. Great shot really.
