Sunday, October 26, 2014

Illegal building

[caption id="attachment_2223" align="alignnone" width="660"]Illegal building Illegal building[/caption]

There was a time not many years ago (it continues even today but not in such scale) where everyone could build without permission. The bigger the building, the lesser the possibility of getting caught. However, from time to time, even the building inspectorate has to prove why it exists. Hence the half demolished building left scorching under the sun. The funny thing is that the inspectorate does this always before summer season. Like trying to show to as many people as possible what they are supposed to do. You might think it's logical from their point of view but, what if I told you that this building (and quite a lot others) has been laying just like this since 10 years ago?

10 years ago it looked like a war zone, like we were under a blitzkrieg or smth. Slowly people started cleaning the land but as you can see, it may take many years to do so...

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