Monday, January 5, 2015

BunkArt - Inside some of the rooms


This is the most publicly hated guy in the last 25 years. He was hated even before but it was in private. Any attempt to show your hatred in public, resulted in a nice and long vacation to prison, your family moved to a shitty place and your whole genealogical tree deprived from higher education, comfortable job and even get them jail time if the prosecutor felt like they had fed your hatred. He was one good looking motherfucker though (while young). I present you, Enver Hoxha, Kim Jong Il's equivalent.

To give Caesar's his due though, this guy built post-war Albania. He eradicated malaria, illiteracy, blood feud, homelessness, unemployment etc... It looks to good to be true, hence the hatred. It all happened with a cost. We didn't have democracy, multi-party elections, free movement abroad, economic relations with the west and all that flows behind that, like technology, medicine etc etc...

I could go on and on but let's leave that for another time, if beers included :D


Notcie the walls, those are dressed with some kind of fiber. Behind the fiber there are metallic sheets and then concrete. The fiber and the metallic sheets are to prevent stone chips in case of strong explosion from outside. This fiber was very expensive back then, hence only his room is dressed with that. The next room was the bedroom but nothing important in there, just a bed.


This Sonra, German radio, was by his desk. The lamp though must be made in Albania. I remember during communism, all our household items were like mass produced. All neighbors had the same lamps, the same carpets, the same clothes and even the same TVs. We used to produce black and white TVs, did you know that?


This was supposed to be his toilet. There was this huge bathroom and this red toilet at the corner. I think this was a bad executed joke on the museum's curators side. A red toilet for a communism dictator? Come on!!! The cap is also missing. Either things got lost during the last 25 years and they couldn't replicate his bathroom, or they just didn't care. - What's there? Just a toilet? Nothing else? Fuck it, paint it red.


This room is prime minister's room. This TV is made in Albania. Notice the walls? No fibers here, too expensive.


Here is the photo of Enver Hoxha, over the PM's desk. The previous photo was in Hoxha's desk. I guess they used the one in military uniform to  aspire people to fight.


This is PM's Mimoza radio, made in Czechoslovakia. I had that very same lamp in my room. I remember my father bought like 3 of them and used the glass part for ceiling light, hanged upside down with thin cable.


Albania's map. Not much to say about this except the part that we used to recognize Kosovo as part of Jugoslavia. No particular mention on the map.


  1. Nice article, haha my surename is Hoxha and someone asked if I was related, unfortunately my full name is Teuta Hoxha (same as his bloody wife 😓😂) but yeah suprisingly even cried when he died my mum was tellin me an they were genuine tears 👀

  2. Teuta Hoxha was actually his oldest son's wife. I don't remember much as I was 4 at that time but I do know that most of the people loved him back then. It was all they knew... My parents were born and raised under communism and they were brainwashed for their whole lives. I can still remember propaganda on the telly.
