Saturday, December 20, 2014

Fortress of Bashtove - The Inside

Fortress of Bashtove

The fortress is in the middle of a field. It is not guarded, it doesn't have information tables around or inside. Looks like it fell from the sky.

Fortress of Bashtove

Only the walls remain. It is completely stripped from everything else.

Fortress of Bashtove

You can play football inside, you can have a pick-nick or whatever. It is very flat and wind-proof :)

Fortress of Bashtove

It looks like a small passage but it's a window actually. The other side is blocked by vegetation.

Fortress of Bashtove

Two of the towers are still standing. The other two have disappeared. There are stairs to climb on the wall and walk around.

Fortress of Bashtove

A tower-less angle.

Fortress of Bashtove Fortress of Bashtove Fortress of Bashtove

My car, Polo Variant :) Plenty of space for luggage. I might start my own tour guiding business/service.

Fortress of Bashtove

This photo and the next one are taken from the same position. This is the road leading to the castle. The asphalt ends at the tower.

 Fortress of Bashtove

Another tower-less angle.

Fortress of Bashtove

Walking on the walls and looking around to find a reason why was this fortress built. There are hills only some hundred meters away. I guess this was not an actual fortress overseeing the area or something similar. It must have been some sort of a storage for goods like animals, what or corn. The river is close by and the sea is only a couple hundred meters further. Maybe people stopped here to wait for ships or whatever. In the mean time they must have stayed here to avoid pirates or thieves...

Fortress of Bashtove

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