Saturday, November 8, 2014

Bay of Vlore

[caption id="attachment_2275" align="alignnone" width="660"]Bay of Vlore Bay of Vlore[/caption]

After Dukat, the descent continues to Dukat i Ri (New Dukat), built after World War II and then to Orikum city. In front of us lies the bay of Vlore and down left is the Pasha Liman Naval Base which cannot be seen in this photo. There are some old submarines built with the help of the Russians. It was actually the only Soviet base in the Mediterranean in the 50's.Following the collapse of the Communist regime, the base was rebuilt by Turkey and under a bilateral agreement the Turkish Navy has the right to use it.

The first mountain on the left is the Karaburun peninusla. The farther mountain is Sazan Island, the largest island of Albania, albeit uninhabited. A joint naval force between Italy and Albania stay there, mostly to prevent contraband or immigration (now there is no immigration via boats, since Albania joined Schengen Area).

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