Friday, March 17, 2017

A weekend trip to Berlin

I know most of the photos are cliché but it was my first time in Berlin and I had a blast. Me and two colleagues were actually there for the ITB Tourism Fair but we managed to finish our appointments in time and had like two full days & nights to wander around and detox our systems with pure beer. I wish we had some electronic music therapy too but we ran out of money too soon, thanks to the strike at both Berlin airports and expensive last minute tickets. I will definitely visit again this fantastic place.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Another weekend in Durres

Some sea snail shells, a naked woman statue and a strange playground where a ship ran ashore and couldn’t go back to sea. It’s the Kompleksi Teuta one. The strange gray metallic wall on the right is actually part of the ship and the hull has sunk in the sand at almost ground level.

The season is starting so get ready beforehand to visit our beautiful country, the land of contradictions. 🙂

A friendly reminder, you’ll find us on AirBnb and at our website 🙂