Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Bunny sex balloon

Do you remember Yuki, my white pet rabbit? He’s growing older and instincts get over him sometimes. This short video shows the moment Yuki thinks that mating with a balloon is a good idea.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Lake Ohrid

Time for another family trip. Lake Ohrid, magnificent as always. One of the deepest and the oldest in Europe, the lake houses a very delicious variety of trout, the Ohrid Trout or the Koran, as the locals call it.


The snowy mountains on the other side are on the Macedonian side. We took this photo after going down the Qafa e Thanes mountain pass, somewhere between Lin and Pogradec.

Monday, November 28, 2016

A weekend in Pogradec and Korce

Qafe Thane Pass, Lake Ohrid Swan on Lake Ohrid Gjergj, my son, feeding the swan Korca, view from RED Tower. Me and my son, walking the streets of Korce. A Bektashian Holy Place in Korce. Hotel Akademia, Voskopoje, Korce Hotel Akademia, Voskopoje, Korce Voskopoje, Korce 09-img_1069 Voskopoje, Korce Voskopoje, Korce Voskopoje, Korce Hotel Playgrund My son never travels without his toys Gjonomadh, Korce On the way to Elbasan, Shkumbini river.

A weekend out of Tirana, visiting Lake Ohrid, Pogradec city, Korce city and then Voskopoja alpine village. Highly recommended if you ever visit Albania. If you need directions, shoot me a message.

Friday, October 7, 2016

To the Dry Tree

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The Dry Tree is the closest point with Corfu. I know I have mentioned it many times but it is quite hidden and more people should know about it. Or better not, this way it stays quiet and not overrun by tourists :))

The hills you see on the third photo are actually on Corfu.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Thursday, July 28, 2016

New photos from the Blue Eye of Saranda

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We couldn’t resist. The water was very cold but hey, if a kid can do it, we can do it too :))

Saturday, July 16, 2016



Saranda, one of the most interesting destinations of the Albanian riviera. A must visit.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Lonely Tree


The hills and mountains seen on the other side of the strait are part of Corfu. I’m on the Albanian side, at The Dry Tree. A fantastic view but full of bushes and snakes.

Saturday, July 9, 2016


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Sad day for this old world snake. Javelin Sand Boa, giving his last breath somewhere between Ksamil and the Dry Tree, the closest point between Albania and Corfu. It must have been hit by a car minutes before I found it. Took it on the side of the road but when I checked a couple of days later, it was already decomposing.😦

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Monday, July 4, 2016

Thursday, June 30, 2016



Watching her back is hypnotizing. Another alien head on my book.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Friday, May 6, 2016

A trip to Berat – The City of 1000 Windows

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I like the new layout WordPress offers however I would like to talk about each photo individually. Seeings that it is 30 minutes past midnight here, I’m gonna keep it short. Just visit Berat and you won’t be disappointed. 2 hours max from Tirana, a Unesco World Heritage Site, plenty of sightseeing around.

Friday, April 22, 2016

A trip to Shkodra

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A trip to Shkodra and its magnificent castle/lake/rivers/boulevard and everything in between.